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玛丽斯特颁发优秀奖学金, 10美元起,000 to $25,1万美元一年, 致最具学术竞争力的申请者. 当你申请玛丽斯特大学时, you are automatically considered for merit scholarships; there is no additional application.  奖学金可以续期,前提是学生的最低累积平均绩点保持在2分.在他们四年的全日制本科学习期间,有850名学生.  (注:学生只可获得一项玛丽斯特大学的优异奖学金). 它们包括以下内容:


Academic-based merit scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated superior academic performance during their entire high school career. 没有一组“数字”(GPA,班级排名)来保证奖学金或奖学金金额. Students who have taken a rigorous program of study during their high school career including their senior year – will be considered for these awards. The scholarship committee recalculates the student’s GPA using the core subject areas which include English, Math, 历史/社会研究, 科学与外语. All scholarships are renewable for four years provided students meet the necessary GPA requirements. 


学业优异奖学金  Awardable数量
总统奖学金 $20,000 to $25,000
圣母学院奖学金 $10,000 to $15,000

优秀奖学金由奖学金委员会决定. 列出的一般资格要求不保证录取或学术奖学金.

Students will automatically be considered for a Merit Scholarship upon acceptance to bet亚洲365欢迎投注每名学生最多可获得一份优秀奖学金.

所有优秀奖学金均可在录取后续期. 奖学金只颁发给秋季和春季学期. 在第一年的下学期之后, 资格取决于收件人是否符合指定的2.85的累积GPA要求.


Marist has always treasured our alumni as people who are making an impact around the world in their careers, 在他们的社区里, 还有他们的家人. 现在,你有机会影响下一代红狐.

2021年秋季生效, 所有在bet亚洲365欢迎投注全日制就读的校友子女将获得5美元,每年可获得5000美元的奖学金,为期四年.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 offers Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) scholarships to transfer students who are members of the official honor society at their local community college in the annual award amount of $5,000.  如果你被学院录取了, you will need to show proof of your membership from your Chapter Advisor in order to receive the scholarship. 所有PTK奖学金获得者必须保持累计平均绩点2.85 (B-) as full-time students (12 or more credits per semester) to remain eligible for award renewal each semester. (2023年春季生效)

音乐课程培养音乐素养, 音乐才能, 个人的创造力, 并通过具有挑战性的学习经历参与公民活动, 多样化的表演机会, 并承诺为校园社区和许多当地组织提供音乐. 为了配合火星任务, 音乐计划鼓励学生与有需要的人分享他们对音乐的热爱, 为创造性表达和对社区的承诺创造一个终身的机会.


Incoming students may audition for instrumental or vocal scholarships prior to their admission to bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 2021-2022学年, 学生应提交音频或视频记录代替现场试镜. 请注意, 奖学金的录取通知书不构成学院的录取通知书. 

Please contact the Music Office if travel distance is a prohibiting factor in scheduling an audition.

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bet亚洲365欢迎投注录取的新生可以申请戏剧奖学金. 所有学生必须完成申请要求,才有资格获得奖学金. 每年有几个可续期的奖学金.


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bet亚洲365欢迎投注 sponsors NCAA 奖学金 for 21 of Marist's 23 men's and women's Division I programs. 这些奖学金是根据NCAA颁发的, bet亚洲365欢迎投注, 以及大西洋大都会体育大会的规定. 根据NCAA一级联赛的规则, 这些体育奖项是一年可更新的奖学金(NCAA章程第15条).3.3).


詹姆斯·科尔尼兄弟盲人奖学金(原, the Lavelle Fund College Scholarship Program) aims to help make quality undergraduate and graduate education affordable for U.S. 法定失明居民, 有经济需求, 并在纽约州和新泽西州东北部的11所精选私立大学中就读. 该项目目前被授权在2024年6月30日之前招收新生. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学生金融服务办公室或访问 詹姆斯·科尔尼兄弟盲人奖学金.

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bet亚洲365欢迎投注 participates in the 奖学金 Program which is conducted by the Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America (CSFA) and will match up to $500 per recipient. The scholarship awards are raised by community volunteers through the 奖学金 chapters. bet亚洲365欢迎投注承诺提供最高10,000美元的配对奖学金.  一旦耗尽,我们无法满足任何进一步的要求. 奖学金将以先到先得的方式处理.

要查找您附近的当地奖学金分会,请访问: www.scholarshipamerica.org or ScholarshipAmerica 

新成立的 吉尔德·莱曼美国历史研究所奖学金 at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is awarded to students from GLI’s vast national network of affiliated schools who demonstrate exceptional achievement in the study of history. This unique and impactful collaboration between bet亚洲365欢迎投注 and GLI was cultivated and primarily funded by a family with long-standing commitments to both institutions. 所有入学的一年级历史专业学生都有资格获得四个奖学金机会中的一个, and we encourage all who fit these criteria to apply and make a difference with their history degree from Marist.

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奥托·萨斯曼信托基金 为符合条件的bet亚洲365欢迎投注本科生提供经济奖励, 由于无法预见的经济困难, 需要经济援助才能在最后一年完成学业.  学生必须是纽约居民, 新泽西, 宾夕法尼亚或俄克拉荷马州, 累积绩点为3分.0或更大.  感兴趣的学生可以联系学生金融服务办公室, 因为任何申请都必须与财政援助管理员协调完成.  

学生金融服务办公室可致电(845)575-3230或通过电子邮件发送至 studentfinancialservices@hxsy168.net.

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谢尔曼一家的照片 约拿和琼·谢尔曼志愿者拓展奖学金 was founded in 2010 by Bruce Sherman and Amy Sherman to honor their parents and their legacy as caring neighbors and citizens of the world.  在他们55年的婚姻中, 谢尔曼一家欣然接受志愿服务,并成为志愿服务最高宗旨的代名词.  一次又一次, they selflessly shared their time and talents locally and around the world so countless people could lead more functional, 富有成效的, 充满希望的生活. 

The scholarship’s purpose is to promote effective volunteerism by recognizing and financially aiding Marist students who follow in the footsteps of 约拿和琼·谢尔曼.  We are grateful to the Sherman Family for creating this opportunity to reinforce such important values and to help Marist students achieve their educational goals. 这个重点在学院的奖学金中是独一无二的, 但重视社区和服务他人是bet亚洲365欢迎投注长期以来的使命. 



1. 谢尔曼奖学金将向即将升入大二的学生开放, juniors, 以及参加或领导志愿者活动的老年人.  活动可能以校园为基础,也可能不是由圣母会组织赞助的.  它们可以在地方、全国或国际上进行. 申请人应具有良好的学术成绩.

2. 奖学金将颁发给提供以下证明的个人:

  • 领导才能
  • 志愿者活动
  • 社会良知
  • 自主性
  • 创业精神

3. This is a merit-based scholarship; while financial need is not a criterion, 候选人可以解释奖学金对他们有什么特别的好处.

4. 奖学金至少可以续签一次. 但是,过去的获奖者必须重新提交竞争考虑.

5.  申请人必须填写一份 圣母学院奖学金申请表.  要求的论文部分应该解决以下问题:

(1)你的志愿活动或工作的性质是什么?  简要说明你参与的活动的目的和你的角色.





6. 申请这项奖学金需要两封推荐信. Each should speak to the applicant’s worthiness to be recognized for volunteer leadership and entrepreneurial initiative. One letter should come from a mentor or the leader of the organization with which you have been involved. 第二封信应该是圣母学院的教员写的. 请使用附件 建议形式. E-mail or send it to the two people you are asking to give you a reference and ask them to send it back to the 学生金融服务办公室 as indicated on the form.

7. The 谢尔曼学者 会被邀请在论坛上发言吗, sponsored by an organization such as the Praxis Project for Public Citizenship or Student Government, 是什么让校园的注意力集中在志愿服务对社会的需求和影响上.  论坛的赞助和时间将每年确定一次.


This scholarship is especially meaningful to the Marist community because of a long and fruitful association with the Shermans.  Mr. 谢尔曼在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学董事会任职超过25年,是一名官员.  约拿和琼一起领导了bet亚洲365欢迎投注的建立,非常成功 终身研究中心, 哪一年提供智力机会, 文化探索, 并为500多名55岁及以上的个人提供学术丰富.  bet亚洲365欢迎投注的档案在詹姆斯A. 卡纳维诺图书馆也是乔纳·谢尔曼收藏的所在地, 它记录了波基普西的商业和商业历史.

约拿和琼·谢尔曼 were involved with many local non-profit organizations and volunteer initiatives in their home community of Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County, New York, 从凯瑟琳街社区中心开始.   在13年的时间里, 他们在中欧做志愿者, Asia, 和非洲的国际高管服务公司, 犹太世界联合服务处, 以及国际联合劝募协会,以促进小社区的经济自给自足, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育和预防以及志愿服务的发展.  

毕业于美国或国外bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟高中的学生, 有资格获得玛丽斯特兄弟奖学金, 2018年秋季生效. This $5,奖学金将每年申请1000美元,用于支付玛丽斯特学院四年的学费, provided that students attend full-time (at least 12 credits per semester) and remain in good academic standing. bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟奖学金是在任何其他基于成绩的奖学金(最高25美元)的基础上提供的,获录取的本科生可获颁10,000英镑.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Endowed 奖学金 and Outside 奖学金 are great potential resources to help off-set educational expenses. Traditional undergraduate students are invited to apply for Endowed Scholarship opportunities each spring for awards in the following academic year. A FAFSA on file for the upcoming academic year is required to be considered for any need-based endowed scholarships. 

成人捐赠奖学金机会也可通过申请门户网站获得, 如有任何疑问,请直接向 学生金融服务办公室.

有资格申请按需捐赠奖学金, 学院要求准学生和在校生提交申请 最新的FAFSA 确定学生经济援助的资格.

2024-2025学年的捐赠奖学金申请将于2月15日开始, 2024 - 3月31日, 2024.

新生 所有一年级新生的捐赠奖学金是 直接奖励. 不需要申请. The Admission and 学生财务服务 Committee will oversee the selection and awarding of these scholarships.
Renewals Students with Endowed 奖学金 for the 2023-2024 academic year that are renewable do not need to re-apply. 如果符合所有资格要求,奖学金将自动续签.
新的收件人 如果学生最近被授予捐赠奖学金, 它将显示在他们的经济援助奖励通知上, 通常在6月发布.


有关奖学金和资格标准的完整列表,请参阅 点击这里



Marist利用ScholarshipUniverse, 奖学金匹配平台, 帮助学生最大限度地获得这两种奖项的机会. 







捐赠奖学金 表示为   捐赠奖学金图标的图像                    

外面的奖学金 表示为  外部奖学金图标的图像  



有Marist电子邮件帐户的学生登录 here 查看你的奖学金仪表盘, 并开始寻找相关的资金来源.  如需协助填写登入凭据,请按 here.